
  •  SheRoamsWild.co is a website used to inspire and support our community, especially when it involves rad adventures in the outdoors! Please understand that I am not a certified outdoor/travel/adventure professional and that any advice or recommendations are made in good faith, but without guarantee of safety or experience.

  • Please use common sense when outside hiking, camping, driving, or partaking in any suggested activities. As stated above, I am not a professional in any of the above, and therefore cannot be held responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur while participating in an activity that I recommended on SheRoamsWild.co.

  • Similarly, I cannot control the weather, or promise that conditions will be the same if/when you travel to any of the location that I post about. As such, I cannot guarantee you the same results when traveling to locations posted on this website.

  • While my goal is to create accurate information and update it when we find any errors, you must understand that I am only human, and that the information presented on SheRoamsWild.co may not be 100% correct, or evergreen.

  • Use the information on this site at your own risk.

  • As stated in the Terms & Conditions statement, SheRoamsWild.co is a for-profit blog. That being said, I only work with brands that I love, and would or already so use in my own life.

    Thank you for reading!