Terms of Service
Updated on January 1, 2023.
SheRoamsWild.co is created, owned, and written by Alexandria Gallizioli and is property of Alex Lives Well, LLC
Photos, videos, and all media posted on this site are curated by Alexandria Gallizioli, and are protected by intellectual property rights, trademark laws, and other laws both in the United States and other countries. Any media or images not captured by myself are given credit to their known sources or are assumed to be regarded as public domain. Use of our photos but failure to credit our site as their original source constitutes a copyright violation. We reserve the right to add or remove content at any time, without prior announcement.
You may use one or two photos from our site with proper credit and link back to SheRoamsWild.co, however, using bulk photos is prohibited. Please contact hello@sheroamswild.co for permission if you would like to use more than a few photos. Copying full post's text is strictly prohibited.
SheRoamsWild.co is a for-profit blog. This blog may accept forms of compensation such as cash advertisement, sponsorships, affiliate links, and other forms of payment. It is understood that compensation may influence advertising content, but all opinions expressed and/or written are solely my own. I only work with brands that I love and would use in my own life.
You acknowledge and agree that SheRoamsWild.co and Alex Lives Well, LLC will not be liable, directly or indirectly for any damage, injury, or loss caused by or in relation to any such content, goods displayed, or excursions encouraged by our site.
For any third party websites or services posted on this site, we strongly recommend you to read over their own privacy policy and terms of service agreement.
Please be kind and courteous in the comments section. We reserve the right to edit or remove any comments we perceive as malicious, threatening, spam-worthy or inappropriate. Any individual who repeatedly violates this comment policy will be permanently blocked.
Alex Lives Well, LLC reserves the to right to modify or replace these terms of service at any time.
Thanks for reading!